47 Boulevard Joseph II, 1840 Luxembourg
Heures d'ouverture:Lun - Ven: 8h - 18h
Devenir membre
47 Boulevard Joseph II, 1840 Luxembourg
Heures d'ouverture: Lun - Ven: 8h - 18h
nous écrire:
nous appeler :
+352 691 461 806
+ 33 6 60 62 64 08
Nous appeler :

+352 691 461 806
+33 6 60 62 64 08

innovationvotre partenaire dédié à l'innovation et à l'entrepreneuriat

Europe is said to be ageing, lacking in growth, relegated to the role of spectator in tomorrow’s world; yet there’s no shortage of ideas and talent. We believe that with better cohesion between companies, better follow-up and closer interaction with institutional players, we can rise to the challenges ahead.

At synergy, you’ll finally find a genuine space for mutual support, debate and solutions for shaping the future.

Here, every member counts and contributes to pushing back the frontiers of innovation.
There are very few organizations that follow you after you’ve set up your business, so we want to support you and give you the best tools to move forward, develop and pool your skills.

Your success starts with our dynamic, participative community. United we stand, divided we fall, alet’s get started!


Organisation d'événements et création de contenus

des éléments inédits autour de thématiques liées à l’entrepreneuriat et à l’innovation.

Un baromètre avec vos inputs

établissons une boussole commune, afin de se situer et renseigner les acteurs susceptibles de nous aider dans notre vision.

Participer à l’émergence de futures pépites

une mise à disposition de nos expertises afin de faire émerger les futures leaders de demain.

Certification sur l'innovation

Premier organisme européen certifiant l'attribution de puissants labels de qualité basés sur des concepts concrets.

synergy : le groupement économique
européen de l’entreprenariat

We offer a dynamic space where innovative ideas and truthful data are at the heart of the discussion, fostering the emergence of sustainable solutions for a better future.

Real-life meetings between entrepreneurs, start-ups, investors, experts and decision-makers to foster partnerships and strategic collaborations.

A series of interviews with experts on specific topics.

In-depth analyses of market trends, the creation of sector indices, technological innovations and environmental policies, guaranteeing the transparency and veracity of information.

Expert-led debates, where entrepreneurs and start-ups present their innovative solutions and are challenged on their impact.

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Servicesnos services dédiés
à votre succès

#1 content creation

on current, structuring or disruptive economic topics via our synVisions, synTalks and synShowcases concepts

#2 event organization

unexplored themes and original events to facilitate meetings and exchanges

#3 economic compass

synMetrics allows you to situate yourself in the current situation, to take stock and to see your evolution.

#4 innovation certification

Europe's leading certifier of powerful labels

#5 networking and partnerships

for our members, start-ups, investors, decision-makers and institutions

#6 exchanges and debates

promoting sustainable ideas and solutions

#7 force de propositions

to sustain our ecosystem and our businesses

#8 detection and support

the aim: to spot and guide tomorrow's top talent.

#9 training and awareness-raising

specific programs to get your business off the ground

fuckupnightsparce que l'échec entrepreneurial est souvent un tremplin vers de nouvelles opportunités

Let’s transform our perception of failure and use it as a catalyst for growth.

For the first time in Luxembourg, discover Fuckup Nights: events that will remind you that life is made up of failures, twists and turns, and the learning that is essential to success.

Teamnos fondateurs sont là pour vous aider à progresser

United by a common vision, they are known for their constant interest in all the project leaders around them. As entrepreneurs themselves, they are well aware of the issues and challenges they face. Thanks to their network and experience, they are ready to build and consolidate this group with ambitious goals.

Guillaume Chatelain


synergy vous apporte des solutions et des services rares et novateurs

Organizing events, creating and exploiting relevant data, detecting and nurturing talent, proposing innovative policies… with the aim of sustaining the economy, environment and social life of the Grande Région.

Call us at

+352 691 461 806
+ 33 6 60 62 64 08

BlogNos dernières

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Instagram#synergy    #fuckupnights    #fuckupnights_luxembourg    #sharethefailure

Ce projet vous intéresse ?

Your success starts with our dynamic, participative community.
Let’s move forward together towards a better future!

Contact rapide

47 Boulevard Joseph II
1840 Luxembourg

+352 691 461 806
+33 6 60 62 64 08

Restons en contact